About Summit

You would never trek Mount Everest without preparation or the proper supplies. So why would you treat the most significant journey, your LIFE, any different. Our world is overstimulated and over stressed which means our nervous system is in overdrive! Summits’ goal is to empower you to take charge of your health through chiropractic care. Our holistic approach helps patients to regulate their nervous system without medical intervention allowing them to be more present in their every day life while striving for long-term wellness.

Chiropractic care is meant to provoke change and accelerate growth all while giving you the space to feel heard and accepted. The summit of health is only a few good decisions away.

Your nervous system is how your brain communicates with the rest of your body. Simply put, every single organ, muscle, ligament, tendon, and cell needs to be told what to do. The brain is the control center while the nervous system is like the electrical highway sending signals between the brain and the body.

While our bodies are always adapting, sometimes we get stuck in a state of dysfunction. This can occur through what is called a subluxation. Subluxations can happen by three different means: thoughts (stress), traumas (big and small, likely repetitive movements in your day to day life), and toxins (pollution in our environment). Any of these can cause a vertebrae to misalign, putting pressure on a nerve and interfering with the signal from the brain to whatever organ, tissue, ligament, tendon is on the other end.

This can result in things like high blood pressure, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, migraines.. The list goes on!

Some people may think, “If I had a pinched nerve I feel like I would know, I don’t have any pain” but did you know that less that 15% of the nerves in your body feel pain? This means that if there was a pinched nerve interfering with the communication between your brain and your body you likely wouldn’t know.

UndErstanding what we do


Kiddos also need chiropractic. Chiro kids are better able to adapt to stress and change in their environment allowing for easier transitions in life keeping them on the top of their game developmentally. Here at Summit Chiropractic, Dr. Lacey sees kids from just hours old all the way up to 18 and on.

We see babies with colic, constipation, twisting of the neck and preferring one side, latching issues, and for regular maintenance for proper development

We see kids that regularly feel overwhelmed and anxious, have ADHD, are on the spectrum, have ear infections, are frequently sick (depleted immune system), experience bed wetting or constipation. We also perform routine checks to ensure proper development.

And of course, Dr. Lacey treats kids in sports to make sure all the running, jumping, and tumbling doesn’t compress the spine and lead to back problems later in life. Keeping their nervous system checked means decreasing the chance of injury and ensuring that they do not have to deal with the repercussions of an active lifestyle down the road.